Today, barndominiums—also known as “barndos” for short—are all the rage throughout the state of Texas. Barndos are available in many shapes and sizes and can include everything from offices, living rooms, and bedrooms to garages, shops, and stables for horses and livestock. You can call on McKinley Construction and Roofing to serve as your horse barn construction and barndominium builders in North TX if you’ve been considering adding a barndo to your property.
Barndos have become attractive options to many Texas homeowners because of the nearly limitless customization options. We can build you everything from a very basic barndo to something more intricate that you and your family can grow into over time. Regardless of how big or small you want to make your barndo, we’ll work hard to bring your dreams to life by designing a barndominium to your exact specifications and using the best available materials to build it. You’ll be left with a structurally sound barndo that will feel just like home when it’s finished.
Because the concept behind barndos is still so new, there aren’t many horse barn construction and barndominium builders you can trust to build you a barndominium from scratch. However, at McKinley Construction and Roofing, we have both the experience and the expertise that you need to get your barndo project off the ground. We can help you design the perfect barndo for your property, pull the proper permits for it, and stick to the budget that you provide for us while also sticking to the deadlines that we set. Your barndo will exceed your expectations and look like a place that you want to live in for a long time.
Reach out to McKinley Construction and Roofing at 817-879-4185 today to discuss your needs and obtain a free quote.